Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Melissa Marino

Meet Melissa Marino!

Melissa, owner of Phat Girl On a Diet, is 24 years old and 5'5 and has been on her weight loss journey since May 2011.

Starting Weight - 300lbs
Current Weight - 274lbs
Goal Weight - 199lbs

**I have been going strong since May 2011. Early this year, in January, for a period of about 3 months I was also working hard and giving 100% and ended up losing around 15lbs. I gained it all back within a month! No joke! When I came back from Disneyland in April and saw the full body photos of me, I knew it was time to really buckle down and get serious about changing my life.**

Top 5 things in your fridge at all times are: 
  •  FAGE Non Fat Greek Yogurt, A TON of Fruit and Veggies (Favorites: Zucchini, Plums, Strawberries and Lemons), Flat outs, Oscar Meyer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat and Jalapeno String Cheese.

Favorite Exercise: 

  • Riding my bike! I LOVE taking family bike rides. It gives my family the opportunity to spend quality time together and still get in some exercise. I also love swimming and hiking! Hiking is another fun thing that my family does together and we all love it!

How did you push past any plateaus?  
  • I actually haven’t reached a plateau just yet, but when I do I will switch everything up! Switch up my usual foods, switch up the exercise and BE PATIENT!
 How do you stay strong when faced with temptations or cravings? 
  • I am not really a “just one bite” kind of person. There are some that can have just a taste of something they are craving and be satisfied. Not me! I want it ALL! If I take one bite, that leads to two.. then five.. then the whole thing is gone. So when faced with temptations of cravings I remember that those foods are what got me to a unhealthy place to start with and that they are not nutritionally sound for my body. I take a deep breath, drink a full glass of water and think about how I’d feel AFTER I ate it. Usually, after that, I don’t want it. I’d much rather feel the pride of walking away or saying no than having to deal with the guilt of eating it.
How do you maintain the motivation to keep moving forward?
  • Easy, my PHAT girls and my friends and family! When it gets tough for me, they help keep my strong. J
What has been your biggest struggle? 
  • Getting into a regular exercise schedule. For the first month, I just ate right. I didn’t really exercise. Once I had my eating habits handled, I slowly worked exercise into the mix. Now I’m at the point where realistically I should be working out 4-5 times a week, but it’s been a real struggle to get my mind in the place to just make that happen. 
What has been the most rewarding in your journey? 
  • Having more energy after only 25lbs! Seeing a difference in my clothing. Bring able to watch my body morph right in front of my eyes. My legs are becoming thinner and stronger and my stomach doesn’t need its own zip code anymore! That in itself is so rewarding.
The one thing that if money was not an issue you would give yourself for making it to your goal weight? 
  • An entirely brand new, expensive, in season, trendy, super cute wardrobe. I’ve NEVER been able to shop at skinny girl stores, but I would LOVE to go all out on a shopping spree once I am able to!
Who are your top 1-5: Supporters? Inspirations?  

  • Number one will of course be my biggest fan, my main support system and my best friend: my fiancĂ©, Bret. 
  • Number two would be my sister, who always pushes me to give my all, encourages me when I succeed and gives advice when I struggle 
  • Number three would be my cousin Brian, who I hike with. He is always pushing me and supports me through it all! 
  • Number four would be my good friends, Jen and Faith; Jen I do weight watchers with and know I can count on when I need her encouragement. Faith is the first person to email me every morning and tell me how great I am doing! 
  • Number five would be ALL MY PHAT GIRLS! No words could explain how incredibly grateful I am for each and every person on my Phat girl on a diet facebook page.

How to find you: Facebook and Email - phatgirlonadiet@gmail.com


Growing up as a PHAT girl has its challenges. Personally, I’ve faced many; teasing from kids in grade school. The disappointing lack of interest from boys in middle school. Just feeling awkward and judged in high school. Being a young adult and feeling as you are just not good enough. Not to mention, going clothes shopping and NOTHING looks or feels right. Trying so hard to squeeze into the booth at the restaurant that you are trying for the first time. Having to take a 3 minute breather after walking up the stairs to go on an interview, etc.  Its hard. It gets to you. Emotionally, Physically, Mentally. After being PHAT your WHOLE life you wonder if that is what you are destined for. If your weight was just meant to be. Since all of the fad diets never worked, I started to just accept the reality that I was always going to be big.

I remember in 8th grade, I hit the 200lb mark and I just couldn’t believe it. Still, I did nothing about it. Moving forward to High School, I was a solid 240lbs when I graduated. Slowly, I’ve gained weight over the years as soon as I saw a THREE at the beginning of my weight, I decided it was time for a change. When I weighed in at Weight Watchers in May, 2011 I was 300.4 lbs at almost 24 years old. I was devastated. Crushed. I knew that I had in a sense, let myself go and it was time to take control and take my life back. If I continued on the path that I was on I would end up being 400lbs by the time I was 30.   I realized that being 300+ lbs was NOT what I was destined for. That I could CHANGE my habits, change my train of thought and most importantly; change my priorities and in turn, it would make changes to my body. I made the decision at that moment to commit and NOT give up. To change my life and not think of it as a “diet” but more a lifestyle change.

I needed something to help me stay accountable because I have a serious lack of will power. I knew that this was the beginning of an unforgettable journey and I wanted to share it with people and get support through it. I knew it would be the hardest thing I’d ever do. I knew it would be an on-going battle. I decided to create a Facebook page so that my friends and family could follow me in the process. I decided that I’d post everything I eat, report back when I work out, tell everyone when I’m faced with  a road block and ask for advice and assistance when I need it. Well, my Facebook page (PHAT girl on a DIET) blew up! It grew tremendously after posting the link on other pages such as Weight Watchers, Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels, etc. I now have nearly 1,500 people supporting me in this journey and helping me reach my goals.

The page has really grown into a community of people on their own journeys to a healthier life. We do challenges, Daily topics and tips, Featured PHAT girl of the week and post before/after photos of successful people. Everyone joins in the conversation and motivates each other – not just me! My PHAT girls are honestly like my family. I love them all. They give me kudos when I accomplish a challenge or lose even an ounce. They give me recommendations as to how to make my meals healthier or my work outs better. They encourage me daily. I am so very thankful for every. Single. Person. On my page. I know I could do this on my own, but without them this journey would be 100x harder than what it has been.

Throughout my journey (and with the help of my PHAT girls) I’ve learned so many valuable lessons about life, weight loss and personal identity…

 First, your weight does NOT define you. I will always be the same person inside, that I was at 300+lbs. I will just be a healthier version. Losing pounds or inches will not make you a happier person, a calmer person, a more outgoing person or a better friend. Those are changes that you have to make within yourself, not at a gym.

Secondly, food is fuel for your body… NOTHING ELSE! I used to treat myself to cake, cookies, pizza, etc. Why? I’d much rather have a pedicure or a new top! Food is your body’s gasoline, it needs a certain number of vitamins, nutrients, carbs, proteins and calories to function. Eat too much, your engine is trying to burn all that extra gasoline and it just can’t keep up. It stores it away (usually in your love handles!) for the next time it needs it. Eat too little, and your engine can’t make the jump to get going. It’s in “starvation” mode. Your engine will run better if you choose the banana that is packed with so many essential vitamins instead of the 100 calorie pack of oreos. You’ll feel better and have more energy once you start thinking “food is fuel” and that your choices DO matter.

Third, Movement! You don’t have to be an avid runner to lose weight. You don’t have to run 5ks every weekend, go on 10 mile hikes, or even go to the gym! All you have to do is MOVE. Dance with your darling little daughter in the living room to Justin Beiber for a while. Play tag with her in grass at the park. Go on a bike ride with her! Take her to the swimming pool and tread water as you teach her to swim. All that matters, is your body is moving.

Fourth, Support! I couldn’t have learned these lessons without the support from all of my family, friends and PHAT girls. Support is such a major factor is success. Whether it is your sister that you call when you are about to reach for the tub of ice cream, your friend who you go walking with on Saturday mornings or your husband that helps you cook all of those delicious and healthy meals! Support is something that I will always appreciate because it has truly given me the strength that I need when I feel weak, to stay strong and keep moving forward.

And finally, the most important lesson learned… We’re human. We make mistakes. We fall down. What is important is we get back up! I’ve had cheat meals. I’ve had weeks that I literally, don’t do anything physical. Let it go! It’s in the past. You can’t change the past but you certainly can control the future. Don’t let that piece of cake you had on your birthday or the handful of M&Ms you ate at the movie theatre hold you back. We all stumble sometimes, we’re human! And it’s okay to treat yourself every once in a while.

After taking control of my life and learning so much from everyone on my PHAT girl site, I sit here with more confidence I’ve ever had. I am HAPPY. I am PROUD. I honestly, feel great! Inside and out. I am slowly making strides with my weight loss, I am down to 274lbs in 10 weeks (which is 26lbs). I still have a long way to go, but now I know that in due time, I WILL get there! I’m not obsessed with the number on the scale.  I’m obsessed with feeling healthy. Feeling energized. Feeling like I’m treating my body like a temple! This has been the biggest personal identity lesson I have ever learned and I am so incredibly grateful for all of those 1,500 people who helped teach it to me.

Much love,