Friday, September 9, 2011

Jennifer Smyth (The Real Post!)

OK - Let's Try This Again!

Meet Jennifer Smyth

Jennifer is 5 ft 2 and 29 years old

Starting Weight: 396lbs
Current Weight: 296lbs (-100lbs)
Goal Weight: 150 (-246lbs)

When did you start your journey and how long has it taken?
  • October 1, 2010 was the best day of my life but the worse day of my life. It is the day my little blessing from above was born. I started my weight loss journey the day I got out of the hospital from a vertical csection. The date was October 5, 2010. I lost my 100 lbs officially May 2011 so it took me 8 months. 

What are the top 5 food items in your house or fridge at all times?
  • Skinny cow ice cream sandwich 
  • Apples 
  • All natural peanut butter 
  • Skinless boneless chicken breast 
  • Green beans (OBSESSED with FRESH Green beans) 

Favorite way to exercise?
  • I love going to the beach and walking up and down the shore line with my Hubby and son. Not only is walking in the sand use more calories, but it is so peaceful. 

What is your favorite Mantra? Quote?
  • Be the change you want to see in the world ~Mahatma Gandhi 

How did you push past any plateaus you encountered?
  • Well, that is a really great question because I am in a plateau right now as we speak. I am not letting this get me down, because if I do I won't be able to push through it. I am taking it one step at a time. I am changing up my diet, and adding a more cardio .More protein power and all fresh fruits and veggies. 

How did you stay strong when faced with temptations and cravings?
  • I looked at my son. I don't want him growing up to think living unhealthy is ok. I want to be the best mommy I can be. 

How can the fans reach you or follow your journey?

Facebook and Blog


Well, I am 29 years old, and have been obese since I was in my early 20s. I may have not be heavy my whole life but let me tell you feel sure feels like it. I went to school became a nurse, met the love of my life and had my little blessing from above. It wasn't until fertility treatments, a long complicated pregnancy, and difficult 36 hour labor that I found my motivation to be a healthier woman. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you will be about to pick yourself up and start moving forward. I am married to a Marine, and I'm very proud Marine wife. I live in California where everyone seems to be skinnie minnie. Here they do not have plus-sized clothing stores at every mall. Over the years I have tried every diet known to man, and I would lose so weight . But, it would always crept back on and some. When I was pregnant my ob/gyn told me I would never lose my weight unless I had gastric bypass. When I heard this I was just appalled, and down right TICKED. How could he tell me that I could not lose this weight? How can you tell me how much motivation I can find inside myself? After I had my son in October I thought about surgery, and even went to see the surgeon. But, in the end I decided I was going to prove that dr wrong. I had to believe in myself, and prove to myself that I was worth the changes to make me healthy. Everyday is not the easiest. I struggle every single day with food, but I am so proud to say I am winning this battle. My ob/gyn was wrong I can lose weight without surgical intervention, and so can you.

You just have to believe in yourself. I want to motivate people with my story. I want to show you that even if you are almost 400 lbs you can lose weight. You don't have to go on a show, or even have surgery. 

It is all possible.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about all the confusion! Hurricane Irene knocked out our power and internet so here is the REAL post - with pictures - of this amazing lady and her story!! Thank you for letting me share Jennifer and congrats on your amazing loss! Keep it up!!!
